Being able to effortlessly administer your domain names is rather essential and can enhance your user experience as a web hosting client. The solutions that plenty of companies use are not that user-friendly, so you can often find yourself in a situation where you have to log in and out of separate admin panels to do a certain task, even if you’ve got a single domain. Not only is this awkward, but it also takes much more time and energy compared to having an all-embracing Control Panel tool where you can access everything you require without signing in and out all the time. For instance, registering a brand-new domain name, hosting it and uploading the web files pertaining to it involves the use of no less than two different user interfaces, all the more so in case you’re using the most famous web hosting solutions on the marketplace.
Feature-rich Domain Manager in Cloud Web Hosting
The Domain Manager, which is part of our custom-built Hepsia Control Panel and which is included with each cloud web hosting plan, will give you full command over your domain names. Not only can you perform standard tasks such as registering or renewing a domain, editing the WHOIS data or enabling Whois Privacy Protection, but you can also access more advanced options such as setting up a mailbox, a database or an FTP account, examining visitor and traffic stats or accessing the DNS resource records for any domain name registered under your web hosting account. Apart from the convenience of having everything in one place, another outstanding strength of our tool is that all the features are incredibly easy to access and to use, so you can make the most of it even if you have never had a hosting plan before.
Feature-rich Domain Manager in Semi-dedicated Hosting
The Hepsia Control Panel, which comes with each and every semi-dedicated server plan that we offer, is an all-in-one tool, which will grant you full authority over your account and which features our feature-rich Domain Manager. It allows you to manage everything associated with the domains in the account – both the hosted and the registered ones. The most vital functions are all here – you can register or renew a domain, enable Whois Privacy Protection for it, park and redirect it or change its WHOIS details. The Domain Manager, though, is much more than simply a list of your domains, plus a few conventional options. It’s a cutting-edge tool, inside which you will discover fast-access buttons, using which you can easily set up a database or a mailbox, access the web files for a specific domain name or keep an eye on detailed visitor stats and access logs. The Domain Manager tool is intuitive (albeit powerful), so it can be used by persons with little or no experience.